Contest idea for the future...

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Contest idea for the future...

Post by AltimaMantoid »

Just something I was pondering about. I thought it would make a nice contest for the COMPET-N, but Adam would of course, have the final say-so in such a thing.

I wonder what the maximum amount of Kill % anyone could pull off and still manage to kill the Demon Spitter on lv30 "Icon of Sin", ev30 "Last Call", and pl30 "The Gateway to Hell".

The categories could be:

- High-Kill (most kills possible and still beat the Demon Spitter)
- Fast
- Respawn
- Nightmare

It was something that I thought I'd post here, and see what you guys think about it. My guess is that the most playable one of these for this kind of style would be lv30 "Icon of Sin". Maybe you could even include the PWADs that are available and use the last levels on them as well?

As I said, this is merely a thought for you guys to discuss ^_^
"The Man with the Golden BFG"
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Re: Contest idea for the future...

Post by xit-vono »

Well, I guess those could go pretty high.  Obviously there is an ammo limit so you probably can't punch out the monsters faster than it can spawn them, especially if there are arachnotrons.  I think it wouldn't be much fun.
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Re: Contest idea for the future...

Post by Opulent »

Well, for Doom2 Map30, there is a 'cheat'.  You can just let them telefrag... Unless there were rules to prevent this type of recording.

One of the first contests I participated in was the CosmicChaos map30 contest (pwad).  It was to play their map as long as you could.  I sent them a 60 minute demo and told them I exited because I was getting bored.  8)
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Re: Contest idea for the future...

Post by admin »

The DOOM2 MAP30 telefrag "cheat" is well known since 1996.
There was a small in-house contest at COMPET-N, which ended with Kai-Uwe Humpert's 25200% kills demo (link here) Demonlord only did a mere 20900% and finished second (demo).

I think NightMare skill and other levels than MAP30, within the same category (high-kill) would be more interesting. Certainly not easy though.
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Post by AltimaMantoid »

Maybe so, but no one tried that with pl30 or ev30, hr30, rq30, mm30, or m230. Not to my knowledge. I just think it would be rather interesting to have all this activity going on at one time. This could open some opportunities up...the hardest of these would probably be hr30 because the Demon Spitter spits 4 - 5 out at one time.

I hate it when my cat sits on my wrist while I type, it makes things a bitch to do on here... -_-'
"The Man with the Golden BFG"
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Re: Contest idea for the future...

Post by Opulent »

AM: no one has ever done HR30 max.  at least to my knowledge.
By far the hardest HR max map....  heck, just a speedrun is quite difficult!  :)
those Archviles are just murder on there.
MM2-30 might be an interesting contest map...
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First time for everything

Post by AltimaMantoid »

There's always a first for hr30-max ^_^
"The Man with the Golden BFG"
Posts: 183
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Re: Contest idea for the future...

Post by xit-vono »

don't forget levels like rq23 and hr32 which aren't map30 but have a boss brain which spits monsters.
Posts: 225
Joined: 08.11.2001 21:45

Duh, I knew I forgot something

Post by AltimaMantoid »

Yeah, those could be thrown into the mix a bit. Although I find rq23 a bit hard to get a high percentage on, because of all that level that came before it, but yeah, I'd say it could be a little competitive
"The Man with the Golden BFG"