WAD: Plutonia
MAP: 27
SKILL: 1 (I'm Too Young To Die)
OPTIONS: -respawn
TASK: Do not initiate any monster or you will fail! To prove you mean no harm and try to trick them do not pick any big powerups (megasphere/soulsphere/berserk/medikit). Our targets are giant spiders, so find and destroy them all or their web will destroy us!
- clients allowed: Doom (2), Doom (2) plus, Chocolate Doom, Competition Doom
- .zip demo with txt description containing player name or nickname, email, date, contest name and game client
- upload demos here
- miliseconds are counted too
- contest will end 01.01.2015. CEST
- first: 6 points
- second: 4 points
- third: 2 points
- the rest: 1 point
As there is no too much interest I won't run any more contests (time limited), but if somebody wants to run contests section: eg. create them, track points, moderate this section let me know, help is always welcome.