Database: COMPET-N - COOP - 3PL - 4PL - CNDOOM

WAD: Doom | Doom 2 | TNT | Plutonia | AV | HR | Scythe | MM | MM2 | Requiem | CE
Category: speed | nmare | max | nm100s | tyson | pacifist | fast | respawn | nomo | misc | built | all
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The Ultimate Doom - Nightmare 100% Secrets
EP4: Thy Flesh Consumed (E4M1 - E4M9)Vincent Catalaa9:13.002002-01-06e4ns0913.zip882
EP3: Inferno (E3M1 - E3M9)Drew DeVore8:46.002005-03-11e3ns0846.zip906
EP2: The Shores of Hell (E2M1 - E2M9)Drew DeVore12:40.002002-10-19e2ns1240.zip918
EP1: Knee-Deep in the Dead (E1M1 - E1M9)Laurent Sebellin10:27.002008-10-11e1ns1027.zip1145
E4M9: FearAdam Hegyi20.001999-08-13n4s9-020.zip896
E4M8: Unto The CruelAdam Hegyi1:14.002000-05-01n4s8-114.zip850
E4M7: And Hell FollowedRadek Pecka41.002004-04-30n4s7-041.zip874
E4M6: Against Thee WickedlyVincent Catalaa1:40.002002-03-15n4m6-140.zip1658
E4M5: They Will RepentAdam Hegyi45.001999-08-09n4s5-045.zip898
E4M4: Unruly EvilGuillaume Pierson50.002008-10-16n4s4-050.zip910
E4M3: Sever The WickedJC Dorne32.002010-07-01n4s3-032.zip1031
E4M2: Perfect HatredGuillaume Pierson21.002008-10-19n4m2s021.zip921
E4M1: Hell BeneathGuillaume Pierson37.002008-10-15n4s1-037.zip1154
E3M9: WarrensJim Leonard1:07.002002-12-14n3s9-107.zip905
E3M7: Gate To LimboAdam Hegyi1:15.002000-08-18n3s7-115.zip883
E3M6: Mt. ErebusKimo Xvirus18.002009-09-01n3s6-018.zip957
E3M5: Unholy CathedralAdam Hegyi1:39.002001-06-29n3s5-139.zip855
E3M4: House Of PainRadek Pecka1:23.002003-07-02n3s4-123.zip842
E3M3: PandemoniumRadek Pecka1:11.002003-07-02n3s3-111.zip853
E3M2: Slough Of DespairAndy Kempling43.001999-06-25n3s2-043.zip840
E3M1: Hell KeepJim Leonard32.002002-12-18n3s1-032.zip938
E2M7: Spawning VatsRadek Pecka2:24.002002-09-26n2s7-224.zip844
E2M6: Halls Of The DamnedJC Dorne54.002015-01-04n2s6-054.zip1044
E2M5: Command CenterRadek Pecka1:53.002002-09-26n2s5-153.zip876
E2M4: Deimos LabRadek Pecka1:42.002002-05-05n2s4-142.zip873
E2M3: RefineryVaclav Kunes45.002001-12-06n2s3-045.zip897
E2M2: Containment AreaJim Leonard1:58.002003-06-16n2s2-158.zip901
E2M1: Deimos AnomalyAdam Hegyi59.001999-06-19n2s1-059.zip929
E1M9: Military BaseDrew DeVore1:02.002002-05-12n1s9-102.zip894
E1M8: Phobos AnomalyCasey Alvis50.002011-09-09n1s8-050.zip961
E1M7: Computer StationGuillaume Pierson1:51.002008-10-23n1s7-151.zip926
E1M6: Central ProcessingGuillaume Pierson1:27.002008-10-24n1s6-127.zip975
E1M5: Phobos LabGuillaume Pierson1:31.002008-10-26n1s5-131.zip980
E1M4: Command ControlVincent Catalaa22.002001-11-15n1s4-022.zip919
E1M3: Toxin RefineryJim Leonard1:41.342018-11-28n1s3-141.zip933
E1M2: Nuclear PlantJim Leonard57.002003-06-29n1s2-057.zip1000
E1M1: HangarDrew DeVore18.002005-04-08n1s1-018.zip1197
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