1. General information
Your name:
Mike Toliver
You live in (city & country):
Eureka, Ill., USA
Your birthdate (or age):
Your occupation/job/studies:
Biology professor
Your hobbies:
Bird watching, walking, travel, fishing, canoeing, movies, reading...
Anything you want to add here (about yourself):
USMC combat veteran (really) ...it's nothing like DooM. It sucks.
2. DOOM-related information
Your DOOM config (key bindings, controllers):
I use default keyboard (I know..maybe I should learn to use the mouse...)
Size of DOOM directory on your HD:
No idea - haven't checked lately.
First contact to COMPET-N (when, how etc.):
Years ago - sent in an e3m8 demo that was properly discarded immediately..
First COMPET-N demo:
Well, first and only is a 100/100 run of episode 4.
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of):
Kinda hard when you've only got 1...
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from others:
Hmmm...they're all pretty amazing, aren't they?
Favourite DOOM or DOOM2 map:
I like e2m2 a lot, and e3m7 tyson style is a kick. I could play map 16 over and
over again. E4m2 is sometimes fun, and e4m6 is something else.
Favourite TC/megawad:
I'm on the team for Alien Vendetta - it'll be a lot of fun. I made
demos of Hell Revealed and some of those maps are great - others I probably won't play much again.
Do you like Quake?
What do you think of DOOM now?
I still play it way too much...
Anything you want to add here:
I found DHT was a great way to improve my skills. I now have all the
DHT 6 titles and 6 DHT 5 titles (17 total). I did the R_U_Good thing when it came out and got
more of those titles than anyone, but that fad went away pretty quick. I'm a real doom nerd.
Hmmm I checked out the demo archives and found another demo of Mike's, p1m8-359. Anyway, if you look at his demos you'll notice that he is not the fastest of players, but very reliable and thoughtful. Also I think it's quite interesting to see a biology professor playing WADs like Hell Revealed and Alien Vendetta... all I can say: Hats off!
Mike 'Toliver' Toliver