1. General information
Your name:
Casey Alvis
You live in (city & country):
Kingsport, Tennessee, USA
Your birthdate (or age):
August 1, 1985, and I'm currently 16. If I'm not
mistaken, I'm the youngest Doomer on here for now...
Your occupation/job/studies:
I don't have an occupation yet other than
being a student in high school, and studies include Mathematics, and
a little bit of Architectural drafting. Once I get to college though,
it'll be Computer Programming ^_^
Your hobbies:
Online RPG boards, Japanese animes, Trading Card
Games (TCGs), Video gaming, and of course, playing Doom
Anything you want to add here (about yourself):
I got my start on playing doom when I was only 8
years old. It was on the old Sega 32X console system, and when I first played
it, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I remember playing e1m1 for the
first time, not knowing what to do with this fine game. I ran out of bullets,
just shooting wherever I thought needed shooting, and I was killed in the second room.
Then I got the hang of it all, and I slowly learned the tricks for that
console. Then my uncle picked up the Super Nintendo version of it, and that
showed me the Cyberdemon and the Spider Mastermind. After years of enjoyment
with that game, I got Doom II for the PC, followed by Doom for the
Playstation and Ultimate Doom and Final Doom for the PC. With all these
levels to play, my skills quickly picked up to par and then discovering the
COMPET-N helped teach me a few tricks here and there. Here I am ^-^'
2. DOOM-related information
Your DOOM config (key bindings, controllers):
I use the control setting that comes with Doom and
Doom II, but I use z and x to strafe left and right instead
Size of DOOM directory on your HD:
345.8 Megabytes spanning 6 folders
First contact to COMPET-N (when, how etc.):
I first heard of it from the TeamTNT website when
Plutonia was done on Max-Kill in under 2 hours. Then I decided to do some
searching about this place and sure enough, I found the COMPET-N and watched
demos until I decided to try to set one of my own
First COMPET-N demo:
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of):
I wouldn't know, I like most of what I do. It would
probably be either my es31-241, pr21-217, or ev311029 though
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from others:
Oooohhh...so many runs I like. Any Max-Kill movie for
Ultimate Doom. Henning Skogsto's NM100S Doom II run in a little over an hour. Radek
Pecka's Doom II UV Speedrun of 30-some minutes, most Max-Kill runs...there are so
many runs I love to watch, I just don't think I could name them all in this spot, and
it would require too much thought ^_^
Favourite DOOM or DOOM2 map:
Another tough one. For Ultimate Doom it's definately Limbo
(e3m7) though, the music is by far my favorite on the game. For Doom II I'd have to say
either Gotcha (Map20) or The Spirit World (Map28)
Favourite TC/megawad:
Hell Revealed. The demos that come from it anyway. It's just
too hard for me to play through. I'm working on one of my own, but I doubt it'll ever get
off of the paper I've sketched it out on -_-'
Do you like Quake?
Is this some kind of sick joke? Just kidding. I've never
played Quake at all, except for Quake 3 Revolution for the Playstation 2, and I thought it
was a little bit of fun, but Doom is still by far better than anything else
What do you think of DOOM now?
I still love it from the day I got hooked. Maybe even more so since
discovering the COMPET-N than before
Anything you want to add here:
I know that I definately am not a Doom-God, heck, I still
consider all of my demos luck. But hey, I've made it this far haven't I? Long live the
COMPET-N!! Props to id for making the greatest game of all time. While I'm
at it, is there anyone out there that could teach me how to make a Doom
level? ^^'
Casey is a fairly new player who started out mostly in the -respawn category, but
recently he started to produce stuff into -fast, Max and NM100S. He's done table-filling
mostly so far, and he still has plenty of time to carve his name further into the Hall
of Fame. We'll see how he succeeds :)
Casey 'Altima Mantoid' Alvis