1. General information
Your name:
Andrew N. Bassett
You live in (city & country):
Christopher Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada
Your birthdate (or age):
1984, Tuesday, August 21, 1:31 AM CST
Your occupation/job/studies:
Your hobbies:
DOOM, Music Synthesizing, Camping, Baseball, Rearranging
the Computer Room, SimCopter, SimCity 3000, Tae Kwon-Do, Drama Classes, DOOM Level
Editing (with DeeP97).
Anything you want to add here (about yourself):
DOOM is the
game of the decade, according to me. I make a hobby out of doing certain things with
Digital Orchestrator Pro, Sound Blaster Live! Value, Sonic Implants. We go camping up
at Candle Lake in the summer; usually in the 200s. I play on a baseball team in the
spring, and watch Blue Jays baseball games in the spring, summer, and fall. My computer
room is kind of hard to manage. I've rearranged it a few times. I think I'm happy with
this setup! SimCopter is a great game. Trust me, if you don't have SimCopter, go find it!!
Same goes for SimCity 3000. I have a 1st-degree Black Belt in the Chin San Tae Kwon Do
club in Christopher Lake. I'm in a Drama class in the Performing Arts Warehouse in
Prince Albert, SK. I make DOOM levels in my own secret little world using DeeP97. I'm also
the winner of the Doom2 box contest held at Dukworld (dukworld.tsx.org). :-b
2. DOOM-related information
Your DOOM config (key bindings, controllers):
Forward: W
Backward: S
Strafe Left: A
Strafe Right: D
Run: LShift
Turn Left: E
Turn Right: R
Open/Use: Space
Fire: MouseLeft
Strafe: MouseRight
Size of DOOM directory on your HD:
375 MB
Doom: 30 MB
Doom2: 100 MB
Plutonia: 20 MB
TNT: 30 MB
Heretic: 15 MB
Hexen: 55 MB
ZDoom: 25 MB
Boom: 15 MB
Doom95: 85 MB
First contact to COMPET-N (when, how etc.):
I saw a link on Doomworld
one day, so I gave it a visit. I've been captivated ever since!! :-b
First COMPET-N demo:
EV03-645, EV04-015, EV04-014, EV04-013
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of):
EV04-013 (That one is definitely my trademark!)
EV11-019 (This one's my favorite, though..)
TN30-215 (My favorite Nightmare! demo!)
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from others:
30NM4958 (Vincent, you are a god!!)
Favourite DOOM or DOOM2 map:
DOOM2: Map13
Evilution: Map08
TNT: Map30
Favourite TC/megawad:
Requiem!! Is is THE best WAD on Earth!!
Do you like Quake?
I like Quake, but not as much as I like DOOM!!
What do you think of DOOM now?
It's the game of the decade!! I said that already.. :-|
Anything you want to add here:
Vote Quimby! :-b
Andrew is quite new to COMPET-N, got involved with some fine, stylish speedruns for TNT: Evilution.
It's nice to see someone filling the holes in the rather empty TNT scoreboard... Hopefully Andrew
will try to get some of the maps yet undone in NM style, there's still a lot of those. Maybe
he can fill the empty holes in the Plutonia NM tables too... we'll see.
Andrew 'Andrewb' Bassett