1. General information
Your name:
Ilya Britvich
You live in (city & country):
Protvino, Moscow region, Russia
Your birthdate (or age):
Your occupation/job/studies:
Postgraduate student and scientific stuff in Institute for High
Energy Physics
Your hobbies:
beer and computer's games
Anything you want to add here (about yourself):
2. DOOM-related information
Your DOOM config (key bindings, controllers):
keyboard+mouse. and Kai's keys layoutz ;)
Size of DOOM directory on your HD:
First contact to COMPET-N (when, how etc.):
I sent my lv14-025 to Daniel
First COMPET-N demo:
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of):
my every new demo in first 30 min after it was recorded ;)
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from others:
lv01-048(049) by Kai and almost all Peo's demos
Favourite DOOM or DOOM2 map:
well...maybe 14,01
Favourite TC/megawad:
TNT, HR and some maps from "Master Level"
Do you like Quake?
Team Fortress RULEZ!
What do you think of DOOM now?
I always thought that DOOM is the best computer game in the world.
4ever! :)
Anything you want to add here:
Thanks for all Compet-n people, especially for our coordinators :)
Istvan and Adam. see ya in Doom! ;)
Ilya Britvich... the Endless Bag of Tricks himself :) When you think everything has been
discovered, Ilya will come up with something that surely takes your breath away... Just take
a look at what this guy did to MAP19 and MAP23...
Besides his great tricks, Ilya is a great Nightmare player, proving some levels are possible
with fast playing (MAP09, MAP12).
Ilya 'Ilya' Britvich