1. General information
Your name:
Istvan Pataki
You live in (city & country):
Budapest, Hungary
Your birthdate (or age):
Your occupation/job/studies:
Your hobbies:
Playing computer games (quake,starcraft,doom, others :)
Anything you want to add here (about yourself):
2. DOOM-related information
Your DOOM config (key bindings, controllers):
keyboard, mouse (long time keys only)
Size of DOOM directory on your HD:
First contact to COMPET-N (when, how etc.):
I was searching for DHT exam lmps, and one of my friends found a 10
level nightmare lmp, that was the beginning of all.
First COMPET-N demo:
can't remember, maybe a speed entry on map 13 or 19.
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from yourself (the one(s) that you're most proud of):
21nm4100, nm02-103
Favourite COMPET-N demo(s) from others:
22nm38xx from Anthe (any demos from him)
Favourite DOOM or DOOM2 map:
Favourite TC/megawad:
Do you like Quake?
Yes, a lot
What do you think of DOOM now?
Still like it to play, but not with such obsession like before, I look
at doom like a legend, the first game I played deathmatch with, never will forgot this game, and
probably will never delete it from my hd.
Anything you want to add here:
One of the best NM players... and also one of the best keyboarders for a long time. His most
famous demos are his two 21nm runs and his insanely fast nm02 and nm04 demos. (Umm... update.
Panter has beaten these since.) Istvan is also responsible for the MAP14 trick route and many
many small route improvements. A great thinker... he's still somewhat active, tries the new
routes occasionally...
Istvan 'Istvan' Pataki